黃聖閔找到中風藥復原之路(Road to recovery?)數十年來讓全球醫界束手無策的中風治療,出現新契機!國際頂尖期刊「自然」 (Nature)11月11日刊登一篇重要的研究論文,為中風病患找到一條復原之路。這篇論文的第一作者黃聖閔(Ben S. Huang)是個才32歲的年輕科學家,且來自台灣。論文刊登前幾天,另一國際頂尖期刊「科學」(Science)也搶先報導。並以「走向恢復之路?」 (Road to recovery?)之名,專訪黃聖閔。UCLA Istvan Mody Lab - Ben S. Huang 突破復健治療瓶頸明年即將取得美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)博士學位的黃聖閔表示,近二、三十年來醫學發展雖迅速,但一旦中風,目前仍找不到任何藥物讓病患復原,頂多只能透過長期的復健治療,恢復部分功能。黃聖閔認為,這種治療上的瓶頸,可能是因醫界只留意中風後的短期變化,並設法在最短時間內減緩腦細胞的死亡速度,卻忽略長期的變化及影響所造成。因此,他和研究團隊改把婚禮佈置研究焦點鎖定中風後的長期變化,竟因此找到治療方法。研究團隊觀察發現,很多中風病患長期復健後,可恢復部分功能,進一步更發現患者即使某個區域的腦細胞受損,甚至死了,旁邊的正常腦細胞卻仍會在復健過程中,重新學會新功能,並代為執行受損腦細胞的工作。阻斷GABA 病患新希望但這些任勞任怨又盡責的「鄰居」,卻常飽受GABA(γ-Aminobutyric Acid,γ-氨基丁酸)的干擾,喪失功能。黃聖閔解釋,GABA是一種活躍於腦部的化學物質,一旦出現中風等腦部傷害時,GABA數量就會大幅增加,並和更多正常腦細胞的接受體結合,以致「鄰居」細胞失去功能,無法幫助受損腦細胞。透過動物實驗,黃聖閔的團隊找到一種使用多年的藥物成分Benzodiazepine,可以阻斷GABA和正常腦細胞接受體結合,讓正常腦細胞學習新功能,取代受損腦細胞,讓中風病患逐漸恢復。黃聖閔表示,動物實驗顯示,中風三天後給予Benzodiazepine藥物成分治療的老鼠,受創辦公室出租腦細胞的功能可恢復50%。他樂觀認為,如果能再配合復健或其他藥物治療,中風患者可縮短復健時程,或許還可恢復到發病前的狀態,進而為全球眾多的中風病患帶來無窮希望。【聯合晚報╱記者林進修/台北-洛杉磯越洋專訪】 Potential for stroke victims to dramatically regain mobility( -- In a discovery with the potential to drastically improve the lives of stroke and head injury victims, University of Otago and UCLA researchers have come up with a drug therapy which could unlock paralysed arms and legs, restoring mobility by up to half. The results of the two and a half year study have been published in Nature on-line today.Study co-author, University of Otago research fellow from the Department of Psychology, Anatomy and Structural Biology, Dr. Andrew Clarkson, 西裝says human trials using drug compounds, known to enhance cognition that are currently being trialled in people with learning difficulties, could potentially begin within two years.In the first study of its kind, Dr. Clarkson and his colleagues found that the compound, when administered to mice via a slow-release pump implanted under the skin over a six week period, would re-activate neurons in the brain responsible for limb function. The neurons initially appeared to be dead or dormant after a stroke.Treatment of the mice was begun three days after the stroke event, which in human terms equates to about three weeks.The researchers needed to wait until the initial stroke event was over and the damaged areas surrounding the stroke site had settled into a state 禮服of dormancy before administering the compound.After six weeks of treatment with the drug compound a “dramatic” restoration of mobility of the limbs was then observed. Mice which received the compound consistently regained an extra 50 per cent of gross motor limb mobility.This was in addition to the 10 to 15 per cent gain in motor function shown normally to occur in mice which are not treated with the drug compound.“When the compound is given, the dormant neurons fire up again and that leads to telling your limbs to work. At the moment we know this works on gross motor skills, and whether the compound would also lead to greater use of fine motor skills associated with speech, for example, we will hopefully know within the next two years after further 酒店工作research,” Dr. Clarkson says.“This also provides hope for those with traumatic head injuries – the brain mechanisms of repair are similar so there is potential for this to work for them too.” If successfully tested on humans, the therapy will provide new hope for people who suffer ischemic stroke, which accounts for about 80% of all strokes.At present, the class of compounds, known as an “extrasynaptic GABA inverse agonists”, are not advanced enough to be used on a prolonged basis in humans as they are known to affect the kidneys. But once this problem has been ironed out, it should be possible for stroke victims to use the drug as part of a trial.At present, a therapy called transcranial magnetic simulation and/or remedial therapies are the most 租房子frequently used means to aid stroke victims to recover function. However, this therapy only manages to restore some ten to 15 per cent of mobility in humans, compared to the potential gains which could be made using the compound.Dr. Clarkson says that when he set out to begin this study, he had wanted to test his hypothesis that the drug could work for stroke victims based on studies indicating that the brain can compensate for the loss of function through relearning. The study's co-author is Dr. S. Thomas Carmichael from the Department of Neurology, UCLA, California .Provided by University of Otago * Potential for stroke victims to dramatically regain mobility: * Reducing 太平洋房屋excessive GABA-mediated tonic inhibition promotes functional recovery after stroke 您知道您中風了嗎? Mayo 診所的一項研究顯示,大多數的中風病患並不認為他們有中風 -- 而其結果就是 -- 耽擱了治療,直到他們的狀況更加惡化。這項發現出現在本期 Emergency Medicine Journal 上。研究者研究了 400 位在 Mayo 診所急救部門被診斷出急性缺血性中風(acute ischemic stroke)或是暫時性腦缺血(TIA)的病患。不到一半的病患 -- 42% -- 認為他們中風了。事實上,當症狀顯現時,此研究中絕大多人並沒有前往急診室。從症狀開始到抵達醫院的中位數時間超過 3.5 個小時。絕大多數人表示,他們認為這些症狀終將會消失。在尋求醫療協助的延誤上,男女均相同。當問及他們對中風症狀知道多少時,將近 1/5 的人表示,他們認為中風總是逐步到來。恰巧超過一半節能燈具(51.9%)的人表示,他們認為立即尋求醫療協助很重要。這些發現的重要性"在中風治療上,時間至關緊要," Latha Stead, M.D. 說,急救醫療專家,同時也是本研究的領導作者。"每一個個人的醫療背景不盡相同,且會影響復原,但一般來說,一位正經歷中風的病患抵達醫療照護的時間愈短,能使中風受限的可能性就愈高,而且症狀能被控制以避免更進一步的危害並改善復原。" 研究者表示,他們的發現明確地指出,大眾對於中風的症狀了解愈多,將導致更迅速的反應與更好的結果。你該知道什麼中風能迅速發生,或花數小時以上的時間產生,同時症狀會不停的惡化。引起中風的血栓或血凝塊能屢次被分解或瓦解,故血液能再度流向腦部。在這樣的例子中,立即治療有別於輕傷與重大失能。有趣的是,僅 20.8% 的參與者知道有關這樣的治療。藉由血管支架、藥物與其他技術的使用,病患能阻止中風擴散並大幅限制損害。中風的症狀包括:保濕面膜-- 突然麻木、虛弱或著你臉部、手臂或腿的痲痹。-- 通常是在身體的某一側。-- 說話或理解說話突然覺得有困難(失語症,aphasia)。-- 視力突然模糊,複視或視力退化。-- 突然頭昏眼花、失去平衡或失去協調性。-- 突然冒出來的嚴重頭痛或是不尋常的頭痛,那也許伴隨著頸僵硬、面部疼痛、兩眼間的疼痛、嘔吐或意識狀態的改變。-- 記憶、空間性定位、或感覺出現混淆或問題。在這樣的例子中,並無中風徵兆產生。不過對一個即將發生的中風來說,可能的徵兆之一是 TIA。TIA 的徵象與症狀與中風相同,不過它們持續的時間較短 -- 從數分鐘到幾小時 -- 並接著消失,並不會留下顯而易見的永久性效應。你可能會有一次以上的 TIA,而且徵象與症狀也許類似或不同。TIA 指出一種嚴重的風險:一個充分發展的中風也許會跟著到來。Source:原文資料來源:Only Perception 新成屋

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